In Silence

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In Silence


A guide has entered this life in silence.

Her message is only heard in silence.


Take a sip of her precious wine

And lose yourself.

Don't insult the greatness of her love,

For she helps all those who suffer, in silence.


Polish the mirror between the breaths.

Go with her, beyond words.

She knows your every deed.

She is the one

       who moves the wheel of heaven, in silence.


Every thought is buried in your heart;

She will reveal them one by one, in silence.


Turn each of your thoughts into a bird

And let them fly to the other world.

One is an owl, one is a falcon, one is a crow.

Each one is different from the others

But they are all the same in silence.


To see the Moon that cannot be seen

Turn your eyes inward

and look at yourself, in silence.


In this world and the next,

Don't talk about this and that;

Let her show you everything,

shining as one ... in silence.



~ Rumi


(translation by Jonathon Star)

(i changed the pronoun!)