miracles abound!



in the rose garden this morning

Buddha said,


"if we could see the  m i r a c l e

of a single flower clearly,

our whole life would change."



every single flower is a miracle!



"you are a miracle!"


"you are a miracle!"                                                          "you are a miracle"

                                                                                                                                                  "you are a miracle!"



               "you are a miracle!"                                                                                                                                        "you are a miracle!"


                                   "you are a miracle!"


"you are a miracle!"




start with flowers,

and when that miracle is known with absolute certainly,

then include humans!

we become walking/living/breathing proclaimers of miracles!




p.s. i know that many right now are *asking for / inviting / welcoming* a  m i r a c l e  for something in their life situation, or for their city/province/country/planet or for another being. 

hold this space of pure unconditioned Love wide open within, with absolute faith and certainty and delight.

"miracles are my reality!"